Maria Voyatzaki
Maria Voyatzaki
is associate professor of architectural design and building technology at the
School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) since
2001. Her PhD at the University of Bath, School of Architecture (1996)
supervised by Dr. Chris Williams and Prof Ted Happold investigated the design
process of non-standard architecture entitled “An insight into the Design
Process of Unconventional Structures”. Her research and respective published
work focuses on the integration of an idea and its materiality aiming at
enhancing the quality of architecture through this integration.
She has taught for over 11 years in the United Kingdom and for a semester in Denmark (Aarhus School of Architecture) between 1989 and 1991 she worked in the research team of Bath University, UK on projects between the University of Bath led by Ted Happold, Buro Happold and Frei Otto. She works as a freelance architect in Greece. She has organized and participated in numerous international student workshops and international conferences for architecture educators. She is the coordinator of the European Network of Construction teachers since 2001. She is also the coordinator of a number of European funded programs on architectural education, with the most recent one being the two-year funded Life-Long Learning Multilateral Project, Continuum from the school lab to the factory workshop that investigates new pedagogic protocols for teaching students on a file- to-factory logic. She has been a Council Member of European Association for Architectural Education (2000-2007). She has lectured abroad and has sat at design juries around the world. She is a chartered architect and member of the Royal Institute of British Architects.